Information Quality at the United States Mint

As part of our ongoing effort to provide high-quality customer service, the United States Mint is committed to ensuring that information on our web sites is useful, accurate, clear, complete, and objective. Beginning in FY2004, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) required Federal agencies to post their Information Quality Requests for Correction (RFC) on the agency web site.

How can I correct information on a United States Mint web site?

You may submit a written request by letter or email.  The United States Mint will respond in same form as your request, unless you indicate otherwise.

Include the following in your request for correction:

  • Your name, organization (if any), and mailing address, or your name, organization (if any), and email address.  This information is needed to respond to your request.
  • Description of the information to correct. Clearly indicate the information that you believe is in error and should be corrected. Include the web page where the information is located, and what corrective action you believe should be taken. Indicate why the information should be corrected and, if possible, recommendations for how it should be corrected.

Section 515 of the Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2001 (Public Law No. 106-554 codified at 44 U.S.C. § 3516) authorizes the collection of information furnished in a request for correction or request for reconsideration. A requestor does not have to furnish this information, but failure to do so may prevent the request from being processed. The primary use of this information is to allow the United States Mint to process and reply to the request. The United States Mint may also disclose information to others as authorized or required by Federal law.

Providing your contact information and information correction requests that are specific will enable the United States Mint to provide a satisfactory response.

Mail request to:

Information Quality
Product Assurance Division Chief
United States Mint
801 9th St., NW
Washington, DC 20220

Email to:

You must include “Information Quality” in the Subject line of your email.

What are Improper Requests for Correction?

The United States Mint considers the following requests as improper under the OMB Guidelines and does not process requests that–

  • Have not been raised within a reasonable time of the dissemination at issue and that concern information that has no continuing significance (such as a request concerning information that is clearly outdated or that the United States Mint has indicated by a more recent dissemination is no longer relevant);
  • Concern matters that do not meet the definition of information provided in the OMB Guidelines;
  • Concern a distribution or release of information that does not meet the definition of dissemination provided in the OMB Guidelines;
  • Are frivolous.

How will the United States Mint review my request?

The United States Mint will review your request and determine whether a correction is warranted, and if so, what action to take. Any corrective action will be determined by the nature and timeliness of the information involved, the significance of the correction, the use of the information, and the scope of the correction.

The United States Mint will endeavor to acknowledge receipt of your request within seven working days. The United States Mint will respond to you in the same form of your request. The United States Mint will endeavor to respond to your request within sixty calendar days. If the United States Mint cannot complete our review of your request within sixty calendar days, we will inform you that we require more time and will provide you with an estimated decision date.

How can I request reconsideration of a request for correction?

If the United States Mint denies your request for correction, you can appeal the decision within 30 calendar days of receiving notification of the denial. We will acknowledge receipt of your request for reconsideration within seven working days of receipt.

We will respond to your request for reconsideration within 45 days of the request for reconsideration. Our response will include the decision and, if applicable, how the decision will be implemented and a time frame for implementation.

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